Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Pic of Bali LBH, Day 2; Padang-Padang Beach, Yeye's Warung

The breakfast was very good. I thought I had triple.
We found the motorbike rent near the hotel. I chose the red Vario for our ride exploring the coastal.  We rent the motorbike for 5 days.
So, it's now the time to explore. As we've planned before, today is the time for visiting the Padang-Padang Beach. It's a calm and quit beach where Michael Learn to Rock made their clip for the "Someday" song.

I always happy to ride motorbike in Bali, especially riding along the coastal street along the hill.

I would like to Spenad my rest of my life here!! definitely!
After Catching!
The beach is situated far away down. It's like under the bridge!

Michael Learn To Rock made their video clip for the "Someday" Song in this Beach. 
 I celebrated being in the nice beach and clear water by swimming back and froth, laying on the sands, reading and photo shooting. I swam until I got sore. 

The best thing for the tiring body in the extremely hot condition like this is a big glass of Orange Milkshake.
So, here we were, riding the motor bike climbing the hill heading to the Blue Point of Suluban Beach. The riding took me to the top of hill where I found a small restaurant with very nice outdoor space. We decided to stop and have lunch there.

The ambiance was very tranquiling. There were no other visitor except us.
Yeye's warung is recommended by "The Lonely Planet" for the good place for traveler.

 I picked mango milkshake, Tuna Salad with balinese sauce plus carrot cake and ice cream as dessert. 
Tuna steak with balinese sauce. Actually, the steak should be pair with steamed rice but I chose chips intead


  1. Wah..suka backpacker sama fotografi yah?
    hasil potonya bagus2 banget mas..^_^
    Pingin juga rasanya kapan2 keliling indonesia..dan mengabadikan banyak kisah di sana..hoho...
    nice having u in my blog...^_^

  2. Iya. Suka sekali:)

    Ayo, menikmati Indonesia!
    thanks for visiting back


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