Thursday, June 16, 2011

Brighter Day

It was very nice days for me lately after facing very hard days that resulted by the battle in my soul and mind. Two days ago I was so down that make me crying alone in the balcony while seeing the full moon above. What I could do was just calling my mothers, my sister and my lovely friends. Thanks to them for listening my lamentation. I felt better afterwards. But still, I couldn't clear the slate of sorrow in my soul. The sorrow resulted by lot of problems that accumulated in a big storm inside my soul. Being a single 20 something guy with a lot of dream to chase while you don't have someone to lay down your head is very hard.

The next day. I was stuck on some reports and paper files when a buzz sound on my laptop rang. Spontaneously I move my eyes to see. Once I saw the YM window and knew who was buzzing, a perfect line of smile appeared on my face. It was from my Abang who hadn't online this last three days. He told me that he has only 2 minutes before going to the work to say hello and cheers me up. What he said is actually just a simple things; "Hey! It's nice morning here, the sun shining so bright!" Look outside your window. We see the same sun, don't we?"

These words were like a magic mantra for me. The simple words and general truth that everybody knows. A simple words sometimes will be a very special words that you make it as a mantra when it comes from a certain person. What I did next was rushing to the shower and pampering myself with the smell of my favorite soap, masked my face with facial scrub and rubbing all over my body with a very good smell body scrub. Clear away that sorrow, clear away that worry! Back to the room, I chose the best jeans and batik I have. Minutes after, I found myself in a batik shirt and new jeans of mine. All was matching up from top until toe. I took the best fragrance and sprayed to my wrists, arms and my neck.

These words and my outfit boosted me into very good mood. The combination made me smile along day. I smiled when I was on the ojek to meet my friends in his office. I smiled when I was walking in the mall's runway. And I kept on smiling when I was having my late-lunch in the mall's food court. The next table girls looked me with strange look. But who care, I was on my very good mood to be happy today. My principle is when you get happy, celebrate it and never keep it for tomorrow because you don't know whether or not that smile still exists on your face tomorrow. Today is your day.

Sometimes many people-and I have to admit, It's me too-, so worried about what will happen tomorrow. Worrying about the future that you don't even know whether you'll be there or not is stupid. But it's human. We are cursed with this feeling haunted our life. I could propose these positive words because I get over that situation. However, when I was in that so called 'soul-storm', I was surrounded by the negative aura that made me decline all the positive thought came to me. What I used to do in that condition is just let it be and give the time to freeze up. And if I couldn't stand on it, I'll call my close people.

The day after. Call me a bastard lucky guy. I'm so blessed to have bunch of kind heart friends wherever I travel. In this city, these friends are my colleague in my work. Today, we decided to go for an Island trip across the small islands scattered around Batam city. This small island-industrial city, are surrounded by hundreds small pure island. I wish to sail around one day. Our trip ended up in the end of road which took us to the sea shore with mangrove trees and small bungalows on the water. The bungalows and land linked by the wooden bridge path. I felt my feeling so free and fresh. I never enjoyed my previous trip here like I did in this trip.

First, I presented some insight about management related to our works to my friends. I just wanted to give them the insight about what we are facing now and where our destination will end. We can predict what happen but we don't even ensure how it will be. Therefore, what we need to do is just trying to do the best things in your position now because the future is an accumulation of what you have done, what you do and what you will do. The future is a result of past and present.

Once I finished my speaking, I undress my outfit and jumped into the sea. As an Indonesian we are blessed with the seas surrounded our land. As my gratitude, I swam and jumped enjoying the warm clear water. It was a very great trip!

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